But at this class, we eat western cakes. I could appreciate it! (although still liquors are preferable than sweets for me) Everything happened in the ceremony was quite fresh and interesting for me. I learned how to appreciate everything (everything!) and got peace and comfort in my mind. Wow, Zen experience!?
Just one thing, I was surprised that we need to sip the tea. I know lots of tea ceremony lovers reading this blog. I would like to ask, doesn’t this embarrass you??
Oh wow! Tea gathering in English? Is that erm... usual?
I'd normally avoid sipping my tea, but if it is customary for appreciation, then I would do it myself.
I'm always worried to go to a tea ceremony, cause I don't like red bean paste.
I would have loved to go to your tea ceremony!
I know almost nothing about tea ceremony but I think that if everyone around was sipping their tea I wouldn't have any problem. What exactly is that yazuki bean paste? Is it baked as a small cookie?
Thanks for all comments. They are so interesting. At my tea ceremony class, tea master said sipping sound was a signal to show the satisfaction and appreciation for the tea the tea master served. Azuki read bean paste is mostly for yokan jelly and manjyu sweet dumpling. They may go well with bitter matcha tea.
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